Non-Alcoholic Juniper Spirits
While on my internship with E&J Gallo Winery, I was tasked with finding white-space within the company in which Gallo could expand and present at the end of my internship.
I proposed the idea of KORE.
KORE is a non-alcoholic spirit that is infused with butterfly pea blossoms to give a unique color to cocktails and allow those people who are excluded from drinking spaces due to a variety of reasons. I created the label for the original bottle, art directed the photoshoot, and created pre-mixed canned drinks at a later date that I was unable to complete during my internship.
As I designed the label, I was inspired to have the back label complete itself as the user drank the product. Once the bottle was empty, it would reveal the full design and cue in more into the inspiration of the product and meaning of the brand.
For the finishes of the label when it was printed, I opted for embossing to help create hierarchy and allow the logo to stand out and allow for a premium look and feel.
The artwork for these cans were inspired by the femininity hands have. The hands also offer visual movement around the cans and allows the eye to flow through the can. The photo collages represent Persephone as both life and death. Mushrooms are used throughout the pieces to symbolize decay and tie her back to Hades. Different visual symbols of both Persephone and Hades are used throughout the cans to die back to this theme of Queen of the Underworld.
At a later date, I was able to design a 4 drink sampler pack of non-alcoholic pre-mixed drinks to expand KORE’s reach. The concept behind the sampler pack was to show the other side of Persephone as she as known as the Queen of the Underworld. I wanted to create a different feel for the cans to drive in a different audience and just provide the non-alcoholic community a fun and artsy option for mixed drinks.